International Women’s Day 2016


Ladies and gentlemen! Today is a pretty awesome day for all the sexes. Today is a day where we appreciate women, where we strive for equality, talk feminism, and basically tell the world why ladies are kick ass and why our issues matter. Each IWD has a different focus and this years is to focus on the Planet 50-50 by 2030 which is a United Nations backed scheme to help see women gain better equality and prospects by the Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development comes around in 2030.

56c4be02e74370e73f0f7876e318fa63As you’ve probably seen a lot of the British (and worldwide) press and media organisations are really taking to the subject of today and Twitter and other social networks are all aflutter with you lovely people joining in. We’re seeing the Guardian have a live blog and asking people ‘What does equality mean to you?’ The Independent have a pretty cool 10 ways you can make a difference article that takes into account the likes of donating to rape charities and looking at everyday chores in the household and see who does them most. I really like Google’s doodle for the day and the hashtag they’ve created #OneDayIWill It really gets us involved and they’ve also got some videos of women from all over the world doing things we might not necessarily see as feminine just drilling in what International really means!

We at Well Did You Evah thought we’d try something a bit different. We could talk about equality and feminism till the cows come home. I could tell you how it’s going to take about 118 years for the gender pay gap to become level or how women in some countries still don’t have their basic rights and needs met. I could tell you about how in this country a lot of careers still have a large ratio of male to women staff and don’t get me started on the top jobs.


The ratio of women in political power compared to men

After seeing what others have been writing about today we thought we’d stick with actual women who have made a difference, are making a difference or are just so cool we’re proud to have them be the same sex as us. We’re going to pick figures from history, actresses, writers and artists and most definitely throw a few in their who you may not have thought of but we think deserve to be in the mix. This in no way means no one else should be on our list, we’re just picking the ones we shortlisted because to begin with we could have created an entire month.


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This will give us a few days worth of posts so, drum roll please, we’d like to introduce you to Well Did You Evah’s Ladies week!